At the annual general meeting of East Williamston Community Council, it was proposed that Clr. D. McIntosh be appointed as chair for the year 2015-2016 and it was proposed, seconded and agreed that Clr. Mrs. K. Talbot be appointed as vice-chair.


Clr. Ian Prout thanked the clerk for the systems and procedures she had put in place during the past year which had helped to make the administration of the council run smoothly. Mr. Bernie Scourfield was also thanked for his work as internal auditor which ensured that the council was adhering to correct financial practices and procedures. He added that the play areas continued to be maintained in very good condition by Mr. Colin Phillips, but commented that care should be taken with the wind turbine issue and that council should be mindful of financial constraints in spending.

The annual meeting closed and Clr. McIntosh took the chair for the ordinary meeting which followed.


The following points were raised:

Fingerpost sign - the clerk had received information that PCC do not fund these items and either we or the church will have to pay for it. It was agreed that this be referred back to the church.

Trailer repairs - Clr. D. Beynon had obtained a quote of £784, plus VAT, for parts and labour. After much discussion, it was agreed to suspend Standing Orders and not obtain three quotes due to the cost involved in obtaining the quotes and because this quote is the best value available. It was proposed to accept the quote and this was agreed.

The street column that was leaning had been replaced by PCC.

A letter had been received from the planning enforcement officer at PCC regarding the occupied caravan in field advising that the matter was being investigated.


Laurealea, 9 Springfields Close, Kilgetty - single storey extension (support).

The following planning permissions had been granted: alterations and extension to dwelling and change of use of part of a paddock to residential curtilage at The Peartree, Clayford Road, Kilgetty; single storey extension at The Haig, Pentlepoir, Saundersfoot.


Pentlepoir: All good. Inspections to be carried out by PCC as of May 2015. The annual inspection report was studied and it was agreed to ask Bizzy Play to replace missing caps and bolts on equipment. The clerk read out a letter from PCC regarding the new arrangements for play areas and there was much debate about this issue. It was agreed that Neil McCarthy, of PCC, be invited to discuss the concerns of the councillors at a special meeting. It was agreed that the clerk contact Mr. McCarthy about their concerns and for confirmation of the public liability insurance, to request copies of the inspection reports and to request a meeting with the inspectors for a handover check.

East Williamston Park: Clerk to contact Bizzy Play regarding a rotten plank on a swing and to check on insurance for public liability at Jubilee Park. It was not known whether PCC was covering this and whether they would be emptying the litter bins.

Broadmoor: The annual report was discussed showing three items of medium risk. The shackles on the swings should be replaced and it was agreed to ask Bizzy Play to do this. The picnic table in the furthest corner was very dirty - clerk to ask Colin to clean. Two benches were in poor condition and quite old and will need to be monitored.


The county council's highways department had finalised the list of jobs within its 2015 road surface dressing programme which would start this summer. The speed limited stretch of carriageway at each end of Templebar Road had been included.

Following a slight reduction in the Welsh Assembly's initiative funding, the county council was proposing to reduce its free access to swimming for the over 60s and under 16s during school holidays. The proposals were open to consultation on the council's website until June 19.

ITEMS FROM Councillors

The lamppost had been replaced in Templebar Road.

Council did not service any of their equipment at the moment and should set-up a service agreement. It was agreed to get quotes from suitable companies for the next meeting.

Clr. Beynon advised that his family was involved with Diabetes UK and wanted to carry out a walk around the park for this charity. Council agreed that there would be no problems with this.

Clr. Wilkinson reported that he had been using the flail mower and council may need to purchase new flails.

Problems were reported in Pentle Drive with sewage going into properties. Welsh Water had tried to solve it, but failed. There appeared to be a blockage on the main road. It was agreed that clerk to write to Welsh Water to express concerns about this.

It was reported that the drop kerb at the play area had been repaired.

A young boy had taken his dog into the play park and was asked to take it out. No further problems encountered.


The next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 4, at 7 pm.