St Mellion Golf Club latest news

Seniors Section - ‘The Fossils’ - by Keith Field

THE week started really well on Tuesday, July 2 when the team led by vice-captain, Rob Parsonage locked horns with Dartmouth with their visit to St Mellion. 

Just a week earlier the Fossils lost by just a single point (4.5-3.5) and so were fairly chipper on their prospects in the return. 

Those feelings were well placed as the captain and his partner Will Carslaw started the trend of home victories with a 2-up victory. 

Four more victories followed before Dartmouth stemmed the run by taking a half, but then St Mellion turned the screw in the final two rubbers to score a resounding 7.5 to 0.5 win on the day. 

A particularly impressive win 8 and 7 by Phil Cuming and Melvyn Carter deserves a mention in such a special team performance over the two legs winning 11-5. 

It means that after a decade residing alongside the River Dart, the trophy finally rests back with St Mellion. Nearest the Pin winners were Phil Cuming for St Mellion and Gordon Kidd for Dartmouth.

The good weather two days later enabled this year’s low-key Captain’s Day Stableford to go ahead with a field of 49 playing off of the white tees alongside four past captains found standing at the starter’s hut who were also contesting a medal round for the Past Captains’ Shield.

Although the past captains found matters tough out on the course after which they took solace in a glass of red, it seemed that many Fossils found the course set up to their liking with no less than ten players achieving at least 36 points and many others in the 30s.

The results certainly busted the myth that playing from the whites (and especially the 14th and 17th) is not one for them. 

Top of the pile for that week and just seven days since he was so narrowly beaten for the Scratch Cup, was Pete Campion with an excellent 39 points. 

Although yet again 40 points was unobtainable, there were no less than five players on 38 and a further three on 37. 

With all of this good scoring, only two players managed a two and those were Mike R Newton and Greg Clark on the 14thand 16th respectively.

The Past Captains’ Shield was won by Brian Pound who was a shot ahead of Brian Crichton who carded a 78.

Captain’s Cup results: 1 Peter Campion – 39; 2 Malcolm Smith – 38; 3 Kevin Smith – 38; 4 Marc Nash – 38; 5 Terry Higgins – 38; 6 Phil Cuming – 38.

Past Captain’s Shield results: 1 Brian Pound – 77; 2 Brian Crichton – 78; 3 Ian Edwards – 79; 4 Keith Field – 83.

Section winners: Gold – Kevin Smith, Marc Nash and Tony Hurley; Silver – Peter Campion, Phil Cuming and Andy Bryan; Bronze – Malcolm Smith, Terry Higgins and James Simpson.

Ladies Section by Sue Wenmoth

Stableford – Wednesday, July 3

The Bassett Bunny is a competition for players in Division 2 ( Bronze ). It was a day of constant drizzle which was heavy at times but also a warm day so the donning of waterproofs made players even warmer.

The same day also saw a nine-hole stableford which was won by three points by Ursula Dunkley, while Anita Gruitt was victorious in the Divison One (Silver) competition.

Stableford: 1 Pam Hughes – 39pts; Hilda McKinley – 38pts; Phillippa Bown – 37pts; 4 Wendy Phillips – 35pts; 5 Sally Floyd – 32pts.

Nine-hole Stableford: 1 Ursula Dunkley – 18pts; Carole Webb – 15pts; 3 Hazel Beadle – 14pts.

Divison One (Silver) result: 1 Anita Gruitt – 39pts; Sue Wenmoth – 36pts.