By Adam Hilton

Upper Tamar Lake Sailing Club race report – Sunday, October 13


NATHAN Pollard’s Laser crossed the start line first but the south-easterly winds were so gentle that nearly a minute passed after the horn sounded before he did so. This lead was never threatened. 

Next to start was Brian Pollard with Natasha Routley in the Bosun but it was Dave Perrett (Solo) who got to the first buoy, Dam Green, second and managed to keep his gap to the lead Laser small enough for the handicap to give him victory by a couple of seconds. 

Geoff Floyd (Solo) and Liam Routley (Laser Radial) had a ding-dong battle; the Solo ultimately ahead in a race shortened to one lap so little wind was there.

Results: 1 Dave Perret (Solo); 2 Nathan Pollard (Laser Full); 3 Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun); 4 Geoff Floyd (Solo); 5 Liam Routley (Laser Radial)


TO AVOID the windless water near the Dam, the afternoon course used the Home Two start line and the Pollard/Routley Bosun crossed it first. 

Following and managing to slip past at the first buoy, was Adam Hilton’s Solo which then took a lead that was never challenged. 

Running to Inlet saw most of the fleet bunched, impeding and slowing each other. Dave Perrett managed to take his Solo through the fleet to second place. 

Geoff Floyd got his past the Bosuns into third on the water but the handicaps demoted him behind Bob Sampson’s leading Bosun. Slightly more consistent winds made three laps possible.

Results: 1 Adam Hilton (Solo); 2 Dave Perrett (Solo); 3 Bob Sampson (Bosun); 4 Geoff Floyd (Solo); 5 Brian Pollard and Natasha Routley (Bosun); 6 Liam Routley (Laser Radial).

Thanks were given to Adam Hilton and Nathan Pollard who ran the races and to Mandy Pollard who took the photos.