As ever, this week as your MP has been both busy and rewarding, filled with important meetings and community engagements. Early on in the week, I had a very constructive (and much anticipated) meeting with Susan Davy, chief executive of South West Water.

I made it unequivocally clear that the ongoing sewage issues plaguing our rivers and seas are unacceptable and require immediate action. We discussed the urgent need for significant investments in storm overflow systems and critical infrastructure upgrades. I also pressed for improved communication regarding the St Eval water shortages and reservoir repairs, as well as advocating for a more adequate compensation scheme for affected residents beyond the insufficient £50 currently offered. Furthermore, I stressed that water bills should be frozen until customers see tangible improvements in services. Susan and her team have committed to working closely with me to implement these necessary changes promptly, and we will be holding regular follow-up meetings to ensure progress is being made. Our community deserves clean water and reliable service, and I will continue to hold South West Water accountable until these standards are met. I can assure you of that.

In a show of cross-party unity this week, all six of us Cornish MPs released a joint statement condemning Cornwall Council's decision to sell off Cornwall Newquay Airport without proper public consultation. We are all deeply concerned that such a significant decision is being rushed through without meaningful input from the community (from residents, businesses, nor the wider public), and without transparency regarding the negotiation process and commercial terms. Collectively, we’ve now called for the Council to publish a comprehensive consultation process, including clear timelines and an evaluation procedure, along with ensuring independent political scrutiny before any final decisions are made. I’m sure many of you would agree that the future of this vital facility should be shaped by the voices of those it impacts most, and I will continue to advocate for transparency and accountability in this process over the coming weeks.

On a more uplifting note, I had the pleasure of opening the Altarnun Village Show this week. It was a delightful afternoon celebrating the hard work and talents within the rural community. Lots of delicious baked goods were on display, as well as some impressively sized vegetables. They did a wonderful job at organising such a fantastic event that brought everyone together - it was a delight to pop along.

I also joined the Bodmin Tidy It Team for a morning of litter picking, contributing to keeping the town clean. Working alongside such dedicated community volunteers who give their time to make North Cornwall a better place for all was a wonderful experience -but it's very disheartening that such efforts are so necessary due to persistent littering. If people continue to disrespect our environment, we may need to consider stronger penalties and enforcement as deterrents.

That’s it for this week - and I want to remind you all that as your MP, I'm here to listen to your concerns and work tirelessly on your behalf. As such, please don't hesitate to reach out with any issues or ideas you wish to discuss. My email is [email protected] - and I’m at your disposal with any problems, issues, or anything else you might have.

Ben Maguire

Liberal Democrat MP for North Cornwall