Budding young Pembrokeshire entrepreneurs showed off their talents at the eighth Pembrokeshire Enterprise Fair this month.

Designed to encourage youngsters between the ages of five and 25 to plan and run business enterprises for real, the three-day event was held at the Riverside Shopping centre in Haverfordwest.

Groups from schools and youth clubs - and even individuals with a good idea - were given the chance to showcase their wares to the public.

This year's event was sponsored by the Bluestone Foundation and Pembrokeshire Lottery.

It was attended by more than 500 young people who offered an array of wares, including pebble pictures, cards, candles, buzzy bee masks, handmade jewellery and warm Welsh cakes.

Each group was responsible for developing their idea, marketing the product and managing money for real with any profit being recycled back to the school or club to be used to resource similar creative activities.

Many of the schools worked closely with business partners to develop their business skills - from help with sponsorship to product development.

This year, Welsh Government Enterprise Troopers also attended to support the young traders.

Clr. Sue Perkins, cabinet member for education, said she had thoroughly enjoyed visiting the fair.

"It's such an inspiring project and the products for sale were highly original and of remarkable quality," she said.

"I was hugely impressed with the creativity on display and with the enthusiasm and hard work shown by the children to bring their ideas from the development stage to the point where they're selling their products directly to the public."