Senior Carmarthenshire councillors have recently visited Pendine to mark the start of construction of the Parry Thomas Commercial Centre.

They visited along with officers from the county council's economic development and property design divisions.

The new building will contain four kiosk style premises on the ground floor and a larger commercial premises on the first floor which will be available to lease from February 2016 when construction is due to be completed. The building will also contain new public toilets which will replace the existing facilities.

Funding has been secured from the Big Lottery's Coastal Communities Fund, along with match funding from Carmarthenshire County Council to deliver the new build which will be the first development to take place on the seafront since the Museum of Speed was constructed in the 1990s.

Executive board member for Regeneration and Leisure Clr. Meryl Gravell said: "It is hoped that the new building will attract new businesses to the area which in turn will create employment opportunities."

Council leader Clr. Emlyn Dole said: "I'm pleased to see that our Economic Development division has been able to access funding to ensure that the county council continues to invest in Pendine to ensure that local people and visitors benefit from this work."

Local member Clr. Jane Tremlett said: "It is a joy to see this progress in Pendine's Enhancement Scheme. Each phase is having such great impact on the village and sea-scape."

The Big Lottery Fund supports the aspirations of people who want to make life better for their communities across the UK. It is responsible for giving out 40 per cent of the money raised by the National Lottery for good causes and investing over £650 million a year in projects big and small in health, education, environment and charitable purposes.

Since June 2004, the BLF has awarded over £8 billion to projects that make a difference to people and communities in need, from early years intervention to commemorative travel funding for World War Two veterans.

Since the National Lottery began in 1994, £33 billion has been raised and more than 450,000 grants awarded.

Initial expressions of interest are being invited for the leases of the commercial units. If you would like to register your interest or if you would like further details on the units, please email your enquiry to [email protected]">[email protected]