AFTER delays, due to the impact of COVID on the manufacture of the new roof panels, work has now started on replacing the roof of Bradworthy Parish Memorial Hall.
The total cost of £71,000 has been funded with a generous grant of £51,305 from the National Lottery Community Fund and supporting grants of £10,670 from Devon Action with Communities in Rural England (ACRE) plus £5,000 from the Bernard Sunley Trust, with the Hall providing the balance from its own funds.
The new roof marks the start of the hall’s journey to environmental efficiency, as well as helping to secure this valuable community venue for the next 60 years.
Ken Hawkins, former chair of the hall, who has spent four years securing funding for the project, said: “Firstly there will no longer be leaks to contend with, so maintenance costs will be reduced. The new roof will also provide better insulation, so our heating bills will be lower in the future. Even better, the new roof structure will enable us to install solar panels in the future, which will reduce costs further and help us start moving away from being dependent on oil.”
What was originally Bradworthy Village Hall operates as a charity and was created by Trust Deed in 1960. The building was constructed at that time and the roof being replaced is now over 60 years old. The new work involves removing and disposing of the roof panels used in the original construction and installation of new roof purlins and 40mm thick insulated roofing panel.
Since its original construction Bradworthy Hall had a major extension in 2000 with the addition of a new entrance hall and committee rooms, new toilets and other storage. This was also funded by National Lottery through the Millennium Fund.
Bradworthy Parish Memorial Hall hosts a variety of activities in the village across all age groups from weekly activities with child and toddler groups, several badminton groups, short mat bowling in the winter, dance and exercise classes, private and village parties, bingo and Wine and Wisdom evenings. It is also available for the local community for weddings, gigs, business events and shows.