A SIXTY-FIVE-YEAR-OLD woman will be running her ninth marathon to raise funds for the new Lifton Community Centre next month.

When Vin Marshall runs the 2018 Virgin Money London Marathon on April 22, it will be the fourth time she has participated in that city’s race, just over 26-miles.

Lifton Community Centre had its official opening ceremony on March 10, as reported in the Post.

Vin said on the opening day she was ‘delighted we have actually got a centre for our community’. However, she said there are ‘still things to do’ — such as purchasing more equipment to finish furnishing the place, landscaping to the side and the back of the building and creating an outside ball games area for adults and children.

She said: “It was a lovely feeling, 12 months ago, when the building was being erected after many years of fundraising. It is now operational and many local people are beginning to use it.

“Please help me, by sponsoring my run to enable these things to happen, to make this centre a lovely place for all.”

Vin has also secured four places for the RideLondon 100-mile cycle, and needs three more people to sign up. Those interested should contact Vin on 01566 784513.