SATURDAY, March 7 was a very busy day at the Forgotten Garden of Lewtrenchard — Sabine Baring-Gould's legacy of a garden at Barton Woods is being cared for by the present generation of Lewtrenchard as a community project.

The project had been first considered during a chance discussion at 'Lewdown Past', the local history group, in 2006 regarding the long lost Holy Well. The Friends of the Forgotten Garden of Lewtrenchard group was established in 2007 and later in 2007 the site of the Holy Well was discovered.

Having leased over five acres of land from the Baring-Gould Corporat­ion it was decided to first consider the management of the woodland and garden area during the winter when weather was suitable. Grants were sought from West Devon Borough Council to enable work to commence.

After two months of work in preparation — weeding, tree felling and clearing — the area was ready for replanting. The Woodland Trust assisted with a further £100 towards the cost.

The morning of March 7 was a hive of industry when the Mayor of West Devon Borough Council, Cllr Terence Pearce, with his wife June, led the proceedings by planting the first tree, followed by Cllr Chris Hill, chairman of the Lewdown Grouped Parish Council. They were watched by Fathers Andrew Padgett and Tom Currie from St Peter's Church, Lewtrenchard.

The next hour of the morning saw approximately 50 people involved, including Stowford Rainbows and Brownies, ably led by their three leaders and assisted by other members of the Friends, planting a mixture of Sessile Oak, Hazel and Wild Cherry. At the same time other members and friends were planting another ten specimen trees, such as lime, acer, silver birch, etc which had been given in memory of loved ones.

So the regeneration of this beautiful area has begun. Later in the year the Friends hope to start the restoration of the well site, paths and waterfalls.

The Friends of the Forgotten Garden of Lewtrenchard are now on-line at http://www.forgotten­">www.forgotten­