Dear Editor, I write in connection with the grass cutting issue that you reported on in last week's Gazette.

You correctly reported that I spoke against the proposal to use Town Council money to cut the grass on land that belongs to the County Council.

I have no issue with paying for this once the land is in the ownership of the Town Council.

What I object to is that this proposal in effect taxes Ross Town residents twice – once in the Council Tax they pay to the County and now again in the Council Tax they pay to Ross Town Council.

And because of the County Council's delay in passing the river side over, it is less and less likely that the Town Council will be able to get any income from holding events there this year, as was planned. A case of they delay, we pay.

I note Councillor Mayo's comments that some Councillors don't share his vision for getting things done and improving the town. Perhaps if he had spent the last 28 months in which he has been a County Councillor fighting for proper funding for Ross services within his ruling County Council Conservative group, he would not now feel the urge to plunder the Town Council's bank account.

Some of us have our own vision of getting things done and improving the town and it does not include covering up the inadequacies of the County Council by frittering away Ross residents' money.

Cllr Chris Bartrum, Ross.