A TOWN council is set to trial different times for closing public toilets.

Bude-Stratton Town Council says it comes amid persistent vandalism of public amenities it operates, with the council facing similar challenges to other local authorities across Cornwall.

While some other local authorities, such as Bodmin Town Council have brought in charging for using newly built facilities in order to deter vandals, councillors in Bude have opted for a different approach in the hope that it reduces the cost to the council and precept payers caused by repeated incidents.

From July 1, the closing times for three toilets managed by Bude-Stratton Town Council will change. At two of the facilities, namely Poughill and Stratton, the public facilities will close at 5pm, while the Crescent Car Park toilets, near the tourist information centre, will close an hour later, at 6pm. All facilities will continue to open at 8am each day.

A spokesperson for Bude-Stratton Town Council said: “Due to persistent vandalism, Bude-Stratton Town Council is trialling new closing times for some of the public toilets it manages in Stratton, Bude, and Poughill. This trial will commence from July 1.

“Toilets will still open from 8am, but closing times will vary: Poughill and Stratton will close at 5pm, and the Crescent Car Park toilets near the tourist information centre will close at 6pm.”