Seafront railings and Tenby's historic town walls were two topics recently raised at a meeting of the resort's 'regeneration team'.

Discussing the matters at Tuesday night's meeting of Tenby Town Council, the Deputy Mayor, Clr. Mrs. Sue Lane, said that it was suggested at the 'regeneration' meeting that they could find the 'manpower' if the county council could fund the replacement of the railings which run along the front overlooking part of the North Beach, from The Norton to the start of High Street.

The replacement cost of the railings would be around £21,000 it was noted, and while Pembrokeshire County Council had agreed to commit 50 per cent to the project, there was still a question mark over who would provide the other funds needed.

Clr. Mike Evans felt that it was a project that urgently needed doing and that it was up to the town council to find the funding for projects such as this one, that had been highlighted by the 'regeneration team'.

"There is no magic wand out there, if the town council don't precept for projects like this, there is no money for it and nobody else is going to fund it," he said.

"Personally, I myself as a town councillor, want to see those railings replaced, if it means that the town council has to put 50 per cent of the funding in.

"Those railings are a disgrace to the town, on what is the gateway into Tenby. I'd like to make the resolution that we specifically want to support this project and contact the county council to say we want to work with them directly on the project," continued Clr. Evans.

Discussing other projects that had been mentioned for the town at the regeneration meeting, Clr. Mrs. Lane said that she'd like support to be given to a feasibility study to be carried out to commission a bat survey, with a view to looking at the possibility of the historic town walls being illuminated.

"This is something we have been trying to get off the ground for a long time," she said, with councillors agreeing that the town council put forward 50 per cent of the funding for the survey to be carried out.