Democracy, what a wonderful term. That is if you are part of a majority. People who are against the sewage works in Trevalga are obviously not part of it.

Yes, we are aware that a solution is urgent as untreated sewage is going in the sea at the moment. But we are also aware that, once the treatment plant is in Trevalga, it will be there forever. Whose view is short sighted?

Is it really more economical to pump sewage from Boscastle and Tintagel backwards and forwards along the coast via the area of Trevalga which doesn't have anything to do with it? Over generations to come? Is Boscastle happy about the idea of failing pumping stations and a flood of a different kind?

For anybody who went to the council planning meeting it was a complete farce whether the sewage 'barn' building would be 1m or 30mm lower. It shouldn't go there in the first place! A small group of people put so much work into the battle against it. They gave up part of their life to put together pages and pages of arguments to persuade the people in power of the madness of this application. How many of the councillors did actually read it? If it's not in their back garden, do they really care? Are they going to be proud when they drive past the sewage plant to take their children to a day out on Bossiney beach?

For one day Trevalga barn was decorated with the words 'Judas didn't support Trevalga'. Those who reacted so strongly against it should ask themselves why. It was blacked out within 12 hours but you can't black the resentment of the people who fought so hard. And despite accusations and people

having to be restrained, this was a peaceful battle. In a democracy nothing else is allowed and at least we stick to the rules unlike some

people in power.
