THE St Giles Women’s Guild held its summer fete recently in aid of BASICS Devon.

The fete was opened by Dr Tom Owens and Dr Angus MacDonald from the charity. Angus then gave a short talk about the work that the charity does. The volunteer doctors provide immediate access to specialist medical care at the scene of an accident or illness. They make themselves available around the clock throughout the year giving up their spare time. They respond to incidents at the request of the South West Ambulance Service and help save lives across rural Devon and can be at your side in minutes. Some of the team are also educators, teaching vital life-saving skills to other emergency carers. They can provide an additional tier of medical care, which supports the excellent service provided by the local ambulance crews.

They were both presented with a buttonhole by six-year-old Alex Lewis, who lives in the village and goes to the local primary school.

There were many different stalls selling homemade cakes, groceries, plants, books, bric-a-brac, a tombola and raffle. Afternoon tea was served with savouries and cakes. Tom and Angus had brought along the emergency vehicle with most of their equipment in and demonstrated several life-saving techniques to a large crowd in the car park.

The children especially enjoyed the demonstration of CPR on a manikin and pressing the siren button. Tom and Angus also involved the children in showing how to put splints and different bandages on. The youngsters had a wonderful time.

The fete raised £430 on the day. With money raised earlier from raffle held at the New Year lunch and also a bring and buy sale in March, plus donations, the total amount is £570, which will be donated to BASICS Devon.

Everyone who came to the fete had a great time on a beautiful, sunny day. Guild secretary Trish Shanks said: “The afternoon was a huge success with lots of local people coming along to support the event. It is a wonderful amount to be able to give to such a worthwhile and local charity. A big thank you to all the members, helpers and supporters.”