THE Camelford Committee of Cancer Research UK held their annual general meeting at the Fore Street Methodist Church recently.

The chairman, Ange Goodman, welcomed everyone who attended and thanked committee members for all their work during the past year. Ange gave her annual report and then had the very pleasant duty of presenting service awards to Jan Stratfield for 18 years and to Jennifer Wood, for five years.

She thanked them both for serving on the committee and for their valuable contribution to the committee’s work.

Honourable secretary, Madge Walkey reported on the year’s activities and said, as a committee, they were indebted to countless individuals and organisations in Camelford and district for their support, adding: “Our sincere thanks for their unstinting support.”

Madge concluded her report by thanking Adrian Jasper and the Post for their support in promoting their work for which they are very grateful.

Honorary treasurer Sally Moore, gave a very detailed financial report which has resulted in a cheque for £13,000 being forwarded to headquarters.

Ange, Sally and Madge were then re-elected as officers. Enid Andrews, Karina Lee-Edmunds, Nicky Hill, Pam Lyons, Lynn Oliver, Jan Stratfield and Jennifer Wood were re-elected to serve on the committee with the addition of Judy Lamb.