IT was a marvellous New Year for Launceston Junior Badminton Club with The Boys' winning all The Single's titles at The Cornish Restricted Badminton Tournament and Abi Logg winning the Girls title.

There was also winners and runners-up at Doubles and Mixed Doubles:

Chris Grout Under 17 singles winner Under 17s doubles runner-up.

Chris Jasper Under 15 singles winner.

Abi Logg Under 15 Singles Winner.

Liam Sillifant Under 13 singles winner Under 13 doubles winner.

Alex Horsington Under 13 double runner-up.

Danny Warne Under 11 singles winner.

Tyler Sillifant Under 11 singles runner-up Under 11 doubles winner Under 11s mixed winner.

It was marvellous to see Launceston youngsters doing so well in the tournament, representing their schools, clubs and county in such a positive way.

Phil Lyle who has run the Junior Club this year said 'I am thrilled to see how well players have performed, they are talented youngsters, who have a marvellous ability in winning, it is the first time for many years that Launceston has had a clean sweep at the event and we are now a force within the County, I am proud of each one of them in achieving this.'

Even two 'Old Boys' pulled off results in the Under 21 with Tom Lyle winning the Singles and partnering his brother Phil to win the Doubles, all in all this is a good base to develop badminton in Launceston and as a town.

We should be proud of what these Young People have achieved.