ST TEATH Primary School was among the three who came together on Wednesday, March 24, to share in a very special day.

St Teath, Kilkhampton and Coads Green Primary Schools are all part of an educational charity called 'Food for Thought', that links schools in Devon and Cornwall with schools in Uganda.

The school links involve cultural understanding and professional development for both communities, with children writing to each other, sharing their customs, hopes and dreams and partaking in curriculum work around a central theme of sustainable gardening and being healthy in mind and body.

The three lead teachers at these schools went out to the Tororo District of Uganda, near the Kenyan border in October 2009, and were expecting their teaching partners to be in Cornwall for the World food and water day. Unfortunately the Ugandan teachers' visas were delayed but they will hopefully be here in early June.

It was decided to go ahead with the day and let the children tell their penpals all about it when they next write and send pictures.

The aim of the day was to remind the children that the UK has clean water on demand (hot and cold), toilets that flush, plenty of good food to eat and all available every day and from homes and schools.