St Breward Primary School opened their new library on Wednesday, June 22. Headteacher Lee Bacchus said: "The room was an underused, out of date computer suite. The implementation of a wireless network in school freed up the space to allow us to build a staff room, which we had never had before, and our fantastic new library. The children entered a competition to create a design for the library wall. The school council chose the winning designs. Artist Mike Reed then took these designs, enlarged them and recreated them brilliantly on the wall." He added: "The library, complete with computerised lending system, is a welcome addition to the school. The children already have a good standard of reading, and this lovely environment will serve to further encourage their love of reading and increase their range and choice of books. We are very grateful to the PTA (Parent Teacher Association) who have made a very welcome contribution towards many new books to go into this fantastic new resource." The 30 children at St Breward School gather for the official opening of their new school library with representatives from the school's PTA group who made a very welcome contribution towards the many new books.

Pictured are the 30 pupils, together with, from left, PTA representatives Marie Hoskin, holding her son and future pupil Isaac, and Niki Hicks, with parents Frances Evans and Mark Harris.
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