Scott Mann MP has thanked South West Water for their work on a scheme which has provided 100,000 free water-saving devices to customers.
The scheme is aimed at helping customers and businesses reduce their water usage and protect the region’s precious water supplies.
The Save Every Drop campaign works to highlight simple everyday changes in behaviour, from turning the tap off when brushing your teeth to taking a shorter shower. The water supplier say that "these ordinary steps can have an extraordinary impact on reducing daily demand, cutting bills for those on a water meter, and helping to protect our natural environment."
Through Save Every Drop, SWW customers can claim a range of free water-saving devices from shower regulators and timers, to bufaloo strips and leaky loo detectors.
So far, South West Water has provided over 25,000 waterbutts in 100-litre and 200-litre capacities – enough to store more than 3.8 million litres of water when full.
The company is also working with tourists and businesses across the South West support them with recognising their role in protecting supplies and the beautiful environment they love to work in and visit.
Scott Mann, MP for North Cornwall, has praised the scheme, saying: “Since my first term as MP for North Cornwall I have called on suppliers to ensure measures are taken to save water. This is something which I had previously introduced in the House of Commons via my Bathing Waters Bill in 2018, when I put forward the case that there should be an obligation on companies to provide rainwater storage butts and develop attenuation ponds.
“I am pleased to learn that South West Water have distributed 100,000 free water-saving devices including water butts to residents in Cornwall to help save water and I would like to thank them for working with me to introduce this scheme.”