Sainsburys are delighted to be able to get involved with another local project and this time its the Bude Toy Library. The library is a self funded organisation which provides the chance for children all over Bude to experience different toys on a weekly or monthly basis without the costs of buying new all the time. For a small yearly subscription this excellent service can enhance the lives of many children in the local area. Mary Kerslake, the PR ambassador for Sainburys in Bude said: "The library has attended our store to sell tickets to support their raffle which will be held at the teddy bears picnic on August 8 at the Triangle in Bude and we are extremely happy to be able to help with this and also going forward." Tickets for the raffle can be purchased from the Toy Library itself between now and the picnic during the library's opening hours which are Monday 3pm to 5pm, Wednesday 10.30am to 12.30pm and on the first Saturday of every month between the hours of 10.30am and 11.30am. The Toy Library would like to extend their invitation for all to attend the teddy bears picnic which will include storytime and singing, cakes, jumble, face painting and much more and will be held between the hours of 11am and 2pm. All at the Toy Library wished to thank Sainsburys for their support and are looking forward to a long and happy relationship.