Be vigilant for warning signs of illegal raves being planned in Pembrokeshire - that's the advice for farmers, local landowners and community councils this summer.

The advice comes from Pembrokeshire County Council's public protection department, together with Dyfed Powys Police.

"While there is no specific evidence of an event being planned, locals are being asked to be alert to the warning signs," said Clr. Huw George, cabinet member for environmental and regulatory services.

"Raves can cause considerable anxiety to the community and if they are not dealt with swiftly, they are difficult to stop or control, due often to the sheer numbers of people involved and the safety aspects surrounding breaking up such an event."

Farmers, landowners and local communities are encouraged to report any suspicious activity immediately to the police or Pembrokeshire County Council.

There is little doubt that events are very well planned and that local knowledge is important in targeting a particular field or area of land as a suitable venue.

Suspicious activity could include: an unusual numbers of vehicles, especially camper vans, vans or trucks in the locality; trespassers who may be doing 'recces' of sites in advance of the event; even people who approach landowners or are asking around for land, in the guise of hiring for apparently acceptable activities such as gymkhanas, Scouts/Guides camps etc.