ST Breward Silver Band held their own concert in the village last week, raising funds for the Band and St Breward Guides and Brownies hut renovation.

‘Music in the Courtyard’ was held on Thursday, July 7.

This event was organised by the St Breward Silver Band together with help from the village’s History Group and Guides and Brownies packs.

The concert was held in the open air but within a wonderful setting in the courtyard at De Lank Farm. A barbecue run by village Guiders and Band supporters, and a bar run by Darren Wills and Norman from The Old Inn were all well supported.

The concert opened with the Junior Band performing two sets, some junior members for their very first public performance. The audience were greatly appreciative of what they achieved.

This was followed by the Senior Band performing seven items in the first set with solos being given by Sam Baker on flugal horn and Clair Teague, principal cornet player.

Also, a vocal solo ‘Memory’ was performed by guest soloist Pauline Kent midway through this set with Pauline later performing another solo, ‘Love Changes Everything’.

The second half had to be shortened slightly due to the light rain but the Band played on until their finale, which included the band’s proms section. The concert ended with the Cornish national anthem ‘Trelawny’.