WELL the lengthy debate on where best to site a sewage plant is finally over and despite a well organised protest by members of TATAS (Trevalga and Trevethey Against Sewage), the now defunct Boscastle sewage group have won the day. Well done.

The efforts of this small group of people have not only succeeded in pushing Boscastle's problems our way, but during the sometimes personal and vociferous verbal battles many lifelong friendships between our communities have been destroyed with some to the point of no return. Again, well done.

This development, costing nearly £20 million to construct, will incur high annual running and maintenance costs which will ineluctably have to come from the pockets of the local people. So was this the best option?

The county's planners obviously thought so as, although all the facts, figures and opposition showed otherwise, it was passed. Truly a democratic decision!

I would like to thank the members of TATAS who put their lives on hold while they worked so indefatigably on our behalf and hopefully now they will have time to pursue their other interests. You put up a fight to be proud of.

Once the sewage plant is built, I hope those Boscastle residents who were responsible for its location will regularly drive past and admire their achievements with pride. Once again, cheers to the few who will impinge on the lives of so many.
