Communities and Tackling Poverty Minister, Lesley Griffiths, has announced £126,575 for a popular community hub in Pembroke providing local people with valuable volunteering, job search and training opportunities.

The Community Facilities Programme provides capital grant funding of up to £500,000 to help tackle poverty through creating and improving local facilities.

The grant has been awarded to Pembroke 21C to extend Foundry House, a busy community facility which is used by over 30 groups, including Works 4 Me Job Club, Pemb Tec Computer Club and Crafty Monkeys Playgroup. The extension will create more space for the existing groups and enable new local groups to use the facility.

The building work will also provide a larger kitchen for cookery classes, an IT suite and a shed and outdoor cooking space in the communal garden. The move will enable the project to develop the wide range of training, volunteering and social opportunities it offers local people.

The funding is part of a £940,000 boost for four community projects across Wales announced by the Minister.

Lesley Griffiths said: "I am pleased to announce over £126,000 for Pembroke 21C, which will ensure Foundry House continues to be a focal point of the community. The new facilities will enable them to develop the services they offer local people, from jobs clubs and IT skills, to nursery provision and social activities.

"The Community Facilities Programme has a big impact on communities across Wales and the day-to-day lives of local people. I have been impressed by the well-developed proposals which have come forward from dedicated and passionate community groups across Wales."