A PRIMARY school in Devon says it is bucking the trend with its decision to make a positive change to its school uniform which will facilitate more movement in learning.

Holsworthy CofE Primary School have introduced a new ‘active uniform’ to enable it to incorporate more movement into learning. This move will also reduce the need to change for Physical Education.

The school said in a letter to parents a consultation on proposals received a positive 87 per cent approval rate.

Tracey Webster and Amy Frost, chair of governors and headteacher, said in a joint letter: “There is substantial research supporting the benefits of physical activity on executive function, academic performance, learning, memory and neurogenesis (the growth of new brain cells). Due to this we will also be increasing the amount of movement, fresh air and physical activity children partake in during the school day.”

To facilitate a more comfortable and practical uniform for daily wear and active play, the school has removed skirts and will instead see pupils wearing shorts, leggings, jogging-bottoms or linen trousers.

Interim headteacher Ms Frost told the Post: “Our intake is higher than National with regards to pupils with SEND and children registered as 'pupil premium' (meaning they have registered as living within a low-income household). 

“Our children are at the heart of all of our decision-making and there are times when we are prepared to 'buck the trend' and turn to evidenced-based practice and wider research to ensure all our pupils can thrive.”