PROPOSALS for the phased development of two new dwellings, together with associated works to include the provision of a new footpath to the north east of the site has been approved by Cornwall Council.

Mr M Quinn, of Rose Park Farm in Otterham, Camelford applied to the local authority seeking permission to build the properties on land to the east of Otterham Park, Otterham, Camelford.

The dwellings would comprise of three-bedroom open market housing properties.

In an accompanying planning statement, the agent for Mr Quinn, Walter Wonnacott, told the local authority: “This application is for full planning permission for a phased development of two new dwellings infilling the existing development at Railside, Otterham Station.

“The site is located within the south-eastern part of the settlement of Otterham Station. The site is served by an existing access to the south, which connects to the B3262 highway.. The site lies within two modest gaps between existing dwellings and immediately fronts the estate road. The site infills the existing built form on either side within the settlement accordingly. The site is not within a designated landscape.”

As part of the approval, upon the buildings being constructed and prior to occupation, the developers of the scheme are required to pay £25,230.57 to Cornwall Council in lieu of a Community Infrastructure Levy, which can then be used for local groups or projects.

The plans were approved by Cornwall Council subject to a number of conditions relating to the phasing plans being approved and the disposal of waste and foul water.

Other conditions include the provision of obscure glazing and restricted openings on bathroom windows to protect the privacy of two neighbouring properties, water usage efficiency and the provision of a pedestrian link to Belah Meadows prior to occupation of the dwellings and permanently retained thereafter.