The Mayor welcomed Mr. Ben Blake and Mr. Rob Hamer from Pembrokeshire County Council, to a recent town council meeting to discuss council's concerns about the roundabout at East End Square and the pedestrian crossings in town.

Council suggested that improvements should be made at the roundabout at the East End as it was currently dangerous as vehicles were not going around the roundabout and cutting across, and also cutting down to the right into the car park.

Following a discussion, it was agreed to move the roundabout slightly and place a rubberised raised dome to encourage the vehicles to go around. They also informed council that pedestrians found it very difficult to cross the road.

Mr. Blake informed council that he had completed a consultation regarding making Gooses Lane one way, coming up, and to date the replies received were in favour. Mr. Blake would inform council of his decision shortly.

The two crossings in town were also discussed, but due to the fatality in recent weeks, they were not at liberty to discuss this as an independent enquiry was taking place.

Council requested that county council who were reviewing an external safety consultation on the crossing on the Mill Bridge to include the one on the top of Westgate Hill also. This was agreed. The Mayor thanked them both for attending the meeting.


Solar panels, Town Hall: The clerk informed council that Matt Pyatt and Martin Allen from Pembrokeshire County Council and Andrew Davies from Solar Cell had visited the building again to look to see if whether Listed Planning consent would be required. They had agreed that it did not need to be applied as the panels were on the rear of the extension building, however, full planning would be required, along with a design and access statement, location and block plan, elevation plans and an application fee. The clerk enquired as to whether Clr. Harvey, with his previous experience in these matters, could help with this, to save costs, to which he agreed he would. It was resolved to apply to Pembrokeshire County Council for planning permission to erect solar panels to the rear of the Town Hall.

Welding: The clerk had been asked to obtain a quotation for the welding of the railings at the Chain Back so that once the flower baskets had been planted, they could not be tipped over. After enquiring with three companies, one quotation had been received from SNC Transport for a sum of £378, including VAT. It was resolved to proceed with the quotation, from SNC Transports.


HMS Pembroke: A letter was received from Lieutenant Commander W. A. Paston, Royal Navy, who had taken over as the Commanding Officer of the First Mine Counter Measures Squadron Crew 4 in your ship, HMS Pembroke and gave an update on the ship and its duties.

Proposed emergency planning event: Correspondence was received from Claire George, partnership and scrutiny support coordinator - economy and environment, who wrote to gauge interest in the town council being involved in an emergency planning event the local authority would like to develop. Following a discussion by council, it was resolved to write back to participate in the event.


Street banners: Clr. Nutting suggested to council that banners that get erected in the Main Street, should only advertise events that happen in Pembroke. He also stated that if it is not a charity, a charge should be made by the town council. The clerk enquired as to how that charge should be made as the Highway actually belonged to Pembrokeshire County Council. Following a discussion, Clr. Nutting decided to let the matter lie.

Rubbish beside the railway line: Clr. Boswell informed council that on a recent train journey, he was horrified to see the amount of rubbish alongside the railway track on entering and leaving Pembroke. He showed council photographs he had taken of the flytipping and proposed that a letter should be sent to Arriva and Network Rail to get this rubbish removed. Seconded by Clr. Phillips, it was resolved to send a letter to those concerned.

Vacancy for trustee at Pembroke 21C: The clerk informed council that a vacancy had arisen for a Trustee at Pembroke 21C. Clr. Jenkins proposed that Clr. Gigler take up this position which was seconded by Clr. Waters. It was resolved that Clr. Gigler fill this position.

Commons Wood/cycle track: Clr. Asman informed council that she had met, along with the clerk, Lynne Curcio, the Commons Land officer, and Peter Howe, of Pembrokeshire County Council, down at the Commons Wood, to have some advice on what procedures were to be followed for the suggestion of placing a cycle track in and around the trees for the children. They informed that not all of the land would be available as part was under the proposed by pass to Monkton. Mr. Howe informed them that similar ideas were taking place in Haverfordwest and that he would send a contact name of a company who could perhaps do an initial costing and plans. Clr. Gigler suggested that before anything proceeded, a consultation should be done with the neighbouring properties and also to consider the dog walkers, and the more elderly generation who appreciate the shade, peace and quiet. She also stated that the area was prone to flooding and that someone would have to be responsible for the weekly checking of the trees and path. Following a discussion, it was resolved to go ahead and get costings/plans etc to bring back to council.

Museum: Clr. Asman informed council that the museum had been re-opened in the courtroom and was up and running again, and thanked all the volunteers who gave up their time. She gave a power point presentation on the future of how she sees the museum developing in Pembroke and how she believes that the two empty buildings on Northgate Street should be purchased and made into a national museum with visitor centre etc., putting Pembroke on the map and encouraging tourists with the links of Henry VII which they could engage with other towns such as Leicester. Council thanked Clr. Asman for her hardwork and dedication towards the museum, and suggested that our county councillors look into the feasibility and availability of these unoccupied buildings. It was. It was resolved for County Councillors Nutting and Bush to report back to council with their findings.

Flags/banners: The clerk informed council that she had made enquires for the cost for erecting the banners along Main Street for the summer period, which get erected the same time as the flags. The cost would be £1,000. It was resolved to erect the flags and the clerk to liaise with 21C regarding the condition of the flags.