In what was probably the most unusual event in the history of Minster Church took place when The Rt Revd Tim Thornton priested the Rev Michael Parsons on Sunday. Rev Parsons will continue to serve in the Boscastle Group of Churches where he has ministered for the past year as Deacon. A full church witnessed the laying on of hands by the assembled clergy. The congregation heard Rev Parsons assent to the Bishop's questions to promise to guide, teach, serve and care for the people in his charge. The congregation promised to give him every support in the community. The Venerable Conrad Patterson who had come from Australia especially for the sermon gave the message to follow the role model of Jesus in building the kingdom of heaven on earth. The choir sang 'Sent by the Lord am I', between the readings and the congregation sang the hymns enthusiastically accompanied by the organist Maria Nicholls. The prayers were said by the children and the Gospel read by the Rev Stella Long from the Methodist Chapel. The church was decorated by local organisations and has included a flower show for four days. Food was provided at the end by members of the congregation.
Pictured above, back row from left: The Venerable C Patterson, Revd R Ward Smith, Mr M Davy, Revd Dr J Searle, Revd D Rake, The Venerable R Bush and Revd R Dickenson. Middle row, from left: Mrs J Brown, Revd D Carrivick, Mrs G Street, Revd R Yeoman, Miss R Bright and Revd S Long. Front, from left: Mr M Thewsey, Revd M Parsons, The Rt Revd T Thornton, Revd R Thewsey and Mr B Nicholls.
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