HAZELHURST Nursing Home near Kerne Bridge in the Wye Valley have proposed the building of a 13 bedroom extension to the existing building, plus a free-standing 25 bedroom care unit.

In addition, the development would also see a new biomass boiler building, the creation of around 30 new car parking spaces, a new access road, and landscaping.

The new 25 bedroom free standing block is designed to give a home for elderly mentally-impaired (EMI) residents.

The plans are subject to a consultation process, which started in March, and which will end on May 18.

Within the application is a statement that reveals that the plans would double the existing full-time workforce at the home from 25 to 50, with an increase in part-time posts from the current 40 to 75, making a total increase of 60 jobs.

A new car park is planned for an area that had previously been tennis courts, while the EMI building itself would be sited on a former football pitch.

But in a statement, Andrew Blake, an officer of the Wye Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), expressed some reservations about the proposed scheme.

He said: "Having seen the revised and amended plans and conducted various site visits, the Wye Valley AONB unit view this as a large and significant development in the AONB, which could come into the category of major development.

"We have concerns about the landscaping scheme and considerable reservations about the rationale and siting of the new access road and additional car parking.

"We consider the amended plans for the proposed EMI unit are an improvement on previous proposals in terms of reduced height and mass."

He also expressed concerns about the access road and car parking arrangements.

Details of the proposals, and the consultation process, can be found at the Herefordshire County Council website, using the application number 150509.