A NORTH Devon hospice has launched an appeal seeking to raise money for the purchase of a cuddle bed.

A cuddle bed is a specialist clinical bed, which has state-of-the-art features to help keep patients comfortable towards the end of life. Crucially, unlike any other clinical bed, a cuddle bed can extend to double the width, which allows loved ones to share the bed and retain that closeness and sense of normality, even when the rest of the world is shaken.

Back in 2022, Christine from Roborough was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer, which came as a shock to her and her family. Soon after, she was referred to North Devon Hospice and scooped up by the hospice’s Bedded Unit Team as her daughter, Siobhan, recalls.

“The care mum received from the nurses at the hospice was incredible and we made some beautiful memories during our time there, one of which was a gorgeous pamper session that was specially organised with a local salon,” said Siobhan. “But I also remember spending the whole time in a chair beside Mum’s bed. In those final days, I’d have given anything to have held Mum close and wrap my arms around her to cuddle together as she lay in bed.”

Through the cuddle appeal, North Devon Hospice is hoping to raise £30,000 in just six weeks for a specialist cuddle bed for the hospice’s bedded unit and to fund more care in people’s homes, so everyone can enjoy the gift of a cuddle no matter where they are.

“Holding someone you love is the best feeling in the world,” added Siobhan. “And when time is short, every cuddle matters. Please donate to the cuddle appeal today, so that other families can that closeness when time is short.”

To make a donation to the cuddle appeal today, visit justgiving.com/campaign/cuddleappeal