THE combined Parochial Church Councils of the Holsworthy Benefice have appointed the Rev Elizabeth Burke as Priest-in-Charge of the Holsworthy Benefice; Holsworthy, Hollacombe, Bridgerule and Pyworthy with Pancrasweek.

Mother Elizabeth was previously the assistant curate at The Church of the Ascension, Crownhill, Plymouth.

She grew up in Crediton and worshipped at Holy Cross parish church. On finishing school and college in Exeter she went on to study theology and psychology in Chester. She felt called to ministry from an early age but decided to wait. Her career before ordination was in commercial and change management for businesses and charities. She is married to Mick. She is very excited to be back on the north side of Dartmoor and they are very much looking forward to becoming part of the community in Holsworthy and surrounding villages.

Mother Elizabeth’s role will include the creation of a vibrant outward looking benefice mindful of the needs of the whole community, developing activities that involve people of all ages in worship and prayer, holding events to encourage new people to explore the Christian faith and holding courses to deepen the faith and understanding of current worshippers.

Talking about her appointment, Mother Elizabeth said: “I’m very excited to be given the role and it feels the right place. I’m very thankful to be here.”

Mother Elizabeth is already looking to get out and about.

She said: “My key focus is to get out and about in the community. I want to engage with the younger generation but not forgetting the older generation, while I’m also looking forward to speaking out to the lonely and those who are finding life tough.

“I’m excited to go and speak to groups including the cadets, schools, foodbank and the community travel transport. There’s also a community gathering once a month so it’s important to realise their needs. Once I’ve been here a while we can look at reflective worship and different styles of worship.”

Mother Elizabeth then went on to praise the welcome she has received and is looking forward to getting as many people in sync with God.

She said: “I’d like to thank everyone for the lovely welcome. I’m glad to be part of the local community and journeying with them in the joyful times as well as the sad times and more difficult times. My job is to help them with their journey and offering it all to God.”

Churchwarden, Helen Young, said: “It is so good that we were able to fill the vacancy so quickly, now we have a person who will lead and encourage us.”

The Bishop of Crediton, The Rt Revd Dame Sarah Mullally, licensed Mother Elizabeth at St Peter and St Paul Holsworthy Parish Church on Monday, November 6. She was installed by the Venerable Doctor Mark Butchers, Archdeacon of Barnstaple, as the Priest in Charge of the Holsworthy Benefice. The Rural Dean of the Holsworthy Deanery, Reverend Jane Lucas, Rector of Ashwater Benefice assisted throughout.

The service began with the rousing hymn, “O praise ye the Lord!” and was attended by about 200 people; a mix of invited guests, parishioners from the four parishes of the Benefice and the other benefices of the Mission Community, and clergy and readers from the Holsworthy Mission Community and Deanery.

After the licensing, the new minister tolled the bell 17 times, and during the dedication after her installation, churchwardens from the five Benefice churches presented her with the symbols of ministry. A choir gathered from the five churches sang the anthem “Jesu, Joyance of my Heart” and after being welcomed by the assembled congregation by a round of applause, Helen Young called a number of groups of people to speak word of welcome to the area and to wish Mother Elizabeth well in her ministry.

The licensing service was followed by a reception in the Memorial Hall where the catering committee had laid out an excellent finger buffet which was enjoyed by all.