BUDE Town Band has extended thanks to the community of Bude for its support over the Christmas period while they played carols around the town.

The festive period also gave the band the opportunity to show the ‘new generation’ of Bude Town Band what carol playing is all about.

The six youngsters aged between nine and 15 have all been taught to play by the band’s musical director, Myra Inch, and were all very eager to join members of the senior band to raise money to keep Bude Town Band running. Over the festive period, the band raised more than £1,500.

For those who already play an instrument or would like to learn, the town band offers a training band, which isn’t just for children, welcoming people of any age. Anyone interested in joining the band are most welcome, whether experienced or not.

Bude Town Band’s rehearsal night is Friday from 7.30pm until 9.30pm. The band offers free tuition, instrument and uniform. They can be found at Bude Town Band Hall, Lynstone Road, Bude, EX23 8LW. For more information on joining the band, contact Myra on 01288 354345.

Unfortunately Bude Town Band have to move from their current band hall at Lynstone Road, so for several years they have been raising money to build a new band hall. To date, planning has been approved on a site next to Morrisons in Bude, allocated by Cornwall Council, and the infrastructure has been completed.

Bude Town Band need to raise money to complete the hall, having secured £135,000 towards the actual building. To make a donation or a promise, or if an organisation would like to use the new hall, contact Bridget Inch, honorary chairman, on 01288 331 404 or email bridget.inch@gmail.com to help keep Bude Town Band alive.