THE MP for North Cornwall has called on Cornwall Council to take action amid ‘dangerous’ parking chaos outside a popular Bodmin attraction.

Despite the recent end to a long-running legal saga over an adjacent car park being won by Bodmin Town Council, multiple cars parked on grass verges, double yellow lines and along Berrycoombe Road, adjacent to the Bodmin Jail attraction, has been reported by residents.

The parking issues comes despite several alternatives being offered minutes away from the attraction, including an offer of free parking in the nearby Sainsbury’s supermarket car park.

In the legal agreement to settle the dispute, after approximately two years of mediation, Bodmin Town Council was reimbursed for full legal costs by the operators of Bodmin Jail, a total approximating £145,000.

In addition, a new lease for the jail to operate the car park has been drawn up, with the attraction’s owners promising to undertake the required repairs to Bodmin Leat underneath at their own cost.

The work to reopen the closed car park had not commenced at the time of the parking issues at the centre of the complaints, with the presence of a car park being a planning permission requirement for the redevelopment of the historic building.

In a now-hidden response to residents airing their concerns on the Bodmin Jail Facebook page, a spokesperson for the business, owned by Tudor Hotels Collection, said that it was the responsibility of Bodmin Town Council, saying: “We understand that the parking near the museum is affected by the closure of the Bodmin Town Council car park. We will pass your feedback onto Bodmin Town Council, please do feel to also contact them. Everyone at the jail is sorry for any inconvenience caused.”

Cllr Jenny Cruse, the Conservative Cornwall Council member for Lanivet, Blisland and Bodmin St Lawrence said in response to the complaints: “I've spoken to the Jail and the car park situation is being resolved but taking some time. I suggest that BTC (Bodmin Town Council) put a note up by their car park explaining visitors can park for free in Sainsbury's and there are also other car parks available in the town.”

Ben Maguire, the Liberal Democrat MP for North Cornwall called on Cornwall Council to demand action over the parking issues. He said: “I have written to the portfolio holder for transport at Cornwall Council to demand action. Parking problems around the jail have been a long running issue and nobody seems to want to take responsibility for it. Meanwhile Bodmin residents are suffering with traffic delays and unsafe roads - it’s unacceptable and we must now see action not words.”

Bodmin Jail, Bodmin Town Council and Cornwall Council have all been approached for further comment.