MANY cars have been seized and motorists arrested during the first week of a crackdown on drivers disregarding road traffic laws across Devon and Cornwall.

Throughout May, Devon and Cornwall Police are carrying out ‘Operation Vortex’ - a proactive operation which aims to reduce the number of collisions and casualties by targeting inconsiderate and dangerous driving.

During week one of the operation, which started on Wednesday, May 8, officers stopped 103 cars, seized 10 cars and made 10 arrests. So far, offences discovered by officers include: 31 speeding offences, including two drivers travelling at over 97mph; 316 further speeding offences, detected by the Safety Camera Unit; eight mobile phone offences; three motorists driving whilst disqualified; one driver not wearing a seatbelt; seven drivers under the influence of drink or drugs; five motorists driving without due care.

Motor patrol Constable Richie Roome of the Alliance Roads Policing Team said: “The ‘Fatal Five’ causes of deaths and serious injuries on our roads are careless driving, drink and drug driving, failing to wear seatbelts, distracted driving (such as using a mobile phone or tablet at the wheel), and speeding.

“The ‘Fatal Five’ play a big part in the collisions we see across our force area. Our aim is to keep everyone safe on our roads by targeting motorists whose poor driving puts others at risk.”

Drivers caught committing offences could receive a fine and points on their licence, a court appearance and even imprisonment for more serious offences.

Officers from the Devon and Cornwall Police Roads Policing Unit and the No Excuses Team will be continuing to carry out patrols and observe driver behaviour in unmarked vehicles across Devon and Cornwall for the remainder of May.

For road safety advice, visit the dedicated page on the force website