A BEREAVMENT midwife based in Cornwall has been awarded a lifetime achievement award following her recent retirement.
In 2018 The Mariposa Trust launched the Mariposa Awards. The event aims to recognise medical professionals and others making a real difference in the lives of people who have experienced baby loss. Winners in the past have included doctors, nurses and midwives as well as fundraisers and volunteers.
On Saturday, March 15 charity representatives, nominees and other professionals came together at The Mariposa Ball and Awards at the Landmark Hotel in London to celebrate all that has been achieved during the last 12 months.
At this year’s event, a bereavement midwife from Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust (RCHT) was presented with the coveted lifetime achievement award.
Karen Stoyles has dedicated over 47 years to the NHS and retired from RCHT at the end of February.
At the event she was presented with the award, recognising her work across nearly five decades of service.
Karen has described her job as a privilege and has thanked all those who have supported her during her time as a bereavement midwife.
Commenting on her win after the awards, she said: “It is a huge honour and great surprise to receive this award. What a wonderful end to my midwifery career.
“It has been such a privilege to care for bereaved parents at the worst time of their lives and to play a part in providing good bereavement care. Thank you to my colleagues who have assisted and supported me over the years and thank you also to those who have nominated me for the award.”
The Mariposa Trust supports those that have been affected by the loss of a baby, during pregnancy, at birth or in infancy. It provides a support network and holds the international ‘Saying Goodbye’ services of remembrance at across the UK.