Recently, some of the Manorbier Twinning Association members visited their twin village of Vernou la Celle sur Seine, a short distance from Paris.

The 25-strong group arrived in France by different modes of transport - some flying and others travelling by car or Eurostar. All members of the group were accommodated in the homes of the Vernou association members. Some have been staying with their host families and having them to stay in Manorbier for many years, others new to the group, staying with new host famillies.

It was a most enjoyable stay, with everyone expressing grateful thanks for the interesting visits arranged for them and the wonderful food provided (not to mention the wine!).

The group was entertained on the first evening by the local Mayor with aperitifs and drinks in the Mairie.

One of the trips arranged was an interesting tour of the nearby Palace of Fontainebleau.

A day trip to a wildlife park in the Loire region, where local produce was on sale, including terrines of ostrich, wild boar and reindeer, all of which live in the park. A very substantial lunch was enjoyed featuring local game. The day also included a visit to a subterranean dwelling first discovered in Roman times now being carved into a replica of a medieval village by a French sculptor. This was a fascinating experience.

Another day was spent in Paris with a river journey on the Seine in a Bateau Mouche with a wonderful lunch and very delightful lady singers. This was followed by a coach tour of Paris highlights.

Evening entertainments included a buffet supper of superb dishes provided by the French hosts, ending with some karaoke singing. On another evening, a communal country meal was provided at a local artisan and craft fair using regional dishes.

As well as group visits and meals, the party spent some time with their hosts going on other outings and eating in their homes.

Everyone enjoyed the visit and now look forward to next year when the Vernou group will be visiting Manorbier. A series of events will be planned for them by the Manorbier Twinning Association.