THE 109th Open Show took place in Linkinhorne Parish Hall at Upton Cross on Saturday, August 4.
Chairman, Paul Hayman welcomed everyone and introduced the president, Heather Philp who said how pleased she was to see good entries once again and the support by so many but new younger members are needed to help the continuation of the show. Heather extended her thanks to the committee members for their hours of hard work, the donors of trophies and prizes, judges, to Diane Hayman for organising the lunch and other helpers to make it another very successful day.
She then introduced Cornwall Councillor Sharon Daw who said how impressed she was by the variety and quality of the entries and hopes the show continues for many more years to come as it is an important part of community life. Cllr Daw duly declared the show open and presented the prizes announced by the chairman.
See this week’s Post to find out the results.