A LAUNCESTON town councillor and Conservative Cornwall Councillor has resigned from the ruling Conservative group saying he refuses to keep his residents in the dark.

Cllr John Conway, announced his resignation on Monday, July 22, following a disciplinary meeting.

Cllr Conway hit the headlines last month after calling his boss, Cornwall Council leader Linda Taylor, a “dictator”. He said Cllr Taylor removed him from taking part in an economic growth and development overview and scrutiny committee meeting because he disagreed with former MP Steve Double’s wife becoming its chairman.

In a statement Cllr Conway said: “This evening the Conservative group on Cornwall Council held a disciplinary meeting. I made it abundantly clear that I would continue to support resolutions which benefit Launceston.

“I also refused to keep my residents in the dark and would keep them informed of relevant information via the press and other means. I have therefore resigned from the Conservative group on Cornwall Council.

“The people of Launceston deserve to know what is happening and as your Cornwall councillor I will continue to work to ensure that Launceston continues to get at least its share of any cake.”

Cllr Taylor has responded to her colleague’s resignation. “I am disappointed that Cllr John Conway’s values no longer align with the Conservative group and that he has chosen to leave our group. It will be for the people of his division, who elected him as a Conservative, under our Cornwall Conservative Manifesto, to judge him accordingly come the next local elections,” she said.

Cllr Conway said he suspected other members of the Tory group are “preparing to jump ship”.

He said: “I’m not the only Tory at present unhappy about things. There are several who have got various different gripes.”

Cllr Conway said he is reluctant to join another group at present as he was elected on a Tory ticket, but he may now sit as a “non aligned” councillor.

A second councillor quit the Conservative group in less than a week. The move by Cllr Adrian Harvey means the Tories have now lost their majority.