The latest meeting of Kilgetty, Begelly Community Council (KBCC) took place at Kilgetty, Begelly Community Centre last week when among the latest news and main items discussed and agreed were the following:

The village clean of Kilgetty, part of the 'Keep Wales Tidy' scheme, took place on March 21. Up to 20 bags of litter were collected, although BKCA was a little disappointed at the number of local residents that took part.

Further improvement work to the Kilgetty Play Area would be undertaken over the next two months, including improving the drainage in the area of the swings and additional safety work to the rope walk.

KBCC would shortly be installing eight artificial flower hanging baskets in Kilgetty. This would be undertaken once Pembrokeshire County Council (PCC) had approved the work.

Further improvement work to Begelly-Kilgetty Community Centre, including external repainting of the building, would commence shortly.

Attempts to improve the traffic flow and discourage illegal parking in Carmarthen Road, Kilgetty, were continuing. Legal notices, consultations and a traffic order would be required before any changes occurred.

Further attempts to repair the potholes in the privately owned Kilgetty surgery car park were continuing. PCC's head of property had been asked for views.

The annual audit process for 2014/15 has begun. Local residents can request sight of various papers forming the audit by contacting the clerk.

A casual vacancy for a councillor for Kilgetty ward exists on KBCC. If any local resident would be interested in serving as a councillor, please do make enquiries with the clerk.

Local residents and local organisations are encouraged to send information on special events in the area to the clerk, as well as photographs of Kilgetty through the ages. These will then be considered for inclusion on the KBCC website. Contact details below.

Begelly-Kilgetty Community Association

The coffee morning held in the Community Centre, Kilgetty, on March 28, raised approximately £400, with proceeds going to the Harriet Davis Trust.

The Japanese Knotweed infestation near the Community Garden, Kilgetty, was being addressed by expert local resident, Mathew Tebbutt, with help from BKCA. Spraying and other means to eradicate the plant would take place over the coming days.

A 12 sq metre area in the Kilgetty play area had been prepared for the sowing of wild flowers by children from Stepaside School. The children could now take 'ownership' of the plot.

A cherry tree, kindly donated by Brenda Allen, had been planted in the Community Garden.

County Clr. David Pugh's Report

County Clr. Pugh was present and provided a report which included the following:

PCC undertook a litter pick on the outskirts of Kilgetty on March 18, ahead of the Village Clean, held on March 21.

An extraordinary meeting of PCC was to take place shortly to discuss education provision in the north of Pembrokeshire.

The process to recruit a new chief executive is underway. Meantime, Ian Westley continues as acting CEO.

Next meeting

The next meeting of Kilgetty Begelly Community Council will take place on Thursday, May 14, in the Green Room, Kilgetty-Begelly Community Centre, commencing at 7 pm. This will be KBCC's AGM.

A public participation session is always scheduled prior to the start of the meeting.

Copies of the approved minutes of Kilgetty-Begelly Community Council meetings can be viewed by contacting the clerk, Ian Morris, on 01834 450306, or by accessing the website.