The annual meeting of Kilgetty, Begelly Community Council (KBCC) was held at Kilgetty, Begelly Community Centre last week when among the main items discussed and agreed were the following:

Clr. Trevor Andrews was re-elected as chair of KBCC for 2015-2016 and Clr. Diane Lockley was re-elected as vice-chair.

External repainting of the Community Centre was nearly complete, although a need to repair some of the soffits had now also been identified. KBCC thanked Folly Farm for their kind donation of paint.

The head office of the Co-operative Group, Manchester, had acknowledged KBCC's concerns about the pot-holes in the Kilgetty surgery car park and news on repairs was awaited from them. Pembrokeshire County Council (PCC) had confirmed it was unable to contribute toward maintenance of this car park, as it was private land.

The litter clearance at Kilgetty Railway Station had been completed by Network Rail.

Work to eradicate the Japanese Knotweed on the Common, adjacent to the Community Centre and Community Garden, would continue between now and the end of August.

The quarterly inspection of Kilgetty Play Area had recently been completed and a need to replace one of the swing seats had been identified. KBCC would be taking this remedial work forward. Other work to improve the play area, including better drainage, was being undertaken over the next six weeks.

Welsh Government had agreed to make improvements to the A477/A478 Begelly roundabout next financial year. This would include the seeding of wild flowers similar to that undertaken on the A477 at Sageston and Carew.

PCC had now agreed to make improvements to the pavement at Begelly and, after discussions with both Dyfed-Powys Police and KBCC, would be taking forward work to reduce the speed limit to 30 mph between Thomas Chapel junction and Begelly roundabout on the A478. KBCC had agreed to fund a vehicle activated speed sign in Begelly to complement this work.

PCC had reported that a reduced level of illegal parking had taken place since new trolley bays and the lift had been installed at the Co-operative in Kilgetty, but parking restrictions continued to be enforced outside the Co-operative in Carmarthen Road, Kilgetty.

Stepaside School had an 'Open Afternoon' on June 8, starting at 4 pm, which members of the public were welcome to attend and undertake a short tour of the school. Tea and coffee would also be served.

A casual vacancy for a councillor for Kilgetty Ward continued to exist on KBCC. If any local resident would be interested in serving as a councillor, please make enquiries with the clerk.

Local residents and local organisations were encouraged to send information on special events in the area to the clerk, as well as photographs of Kilgetty through the ages, who would then consider them for inclusion on the KBCC website.

Begelly-Kilgetty Community Association (BKCA):

The Kilgetty in Bloom judging day had been set for July 15.

BKCA also wished to thank Folly Farm for their kind donation of paint for the painting of the Community Centre in Kilgetty.

A Table Top and Plant Sale was to be held in June - details would be available soon.

A further complaint had been received by BKCA about the pot-holes in the surgery car park, Kilgetty (see above).

Planning: KBCC considered the following planning applications and recommended approval in all cases.

Erection of single storey side extension at The Poplars, upgrade to base installation, Kilgetty Farm, Stepaside; four non-illuminated wall mounted car park panels at the Co-operative, Kilgetty

County Clr. David Pugh's report: County Clr. Pugh was not present, but provided a short written report. This confirmed the work to be undertaken at Begelly, highlighted above; attempts to improve traffic flow improvements in Carmarthen Road, Kilgetty; and the kind donation of paint by Folly Farm for the re-painting of the Community Centre, Kilgetty.

Next meeting: The next meeting will take place on Thursday, June 11, in the Green Room, Kilgetty-Begelly Community Centre, commencing at 7 pm. A public participation session is always scheduled prior to the start of the meeting. Copies of the approved minutes of Kilgetty-Begelly Community Council meetings can be viewed by contacting the clerk, Ian Morris, on 01834 450306, or by accessing the website.