Plans for the provision of 12 sustainable camping pods at a business in Jameston were passed by members of Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority's planning committee this week.

The application submitted by Mr. W. Staniland, seeking plans for the 'diversification' of Brumwells Garden Machinery, at Badgers Holt, to include the provision of 12 sustainable camping pods with car parking on adjacent land, came before members of the authority's development management committee at their meeting on Wednesday morning.

The plans were subject to a 'cooling off period' as members were minded to approve the application at a previous meeting subject to conditions and the decision would be contrary to policy, planning case officer Andrew Richards explained at the meeting.

"The thrust of this application is to allow the existing business and its owners to develop further income from the new camping site," wrote Mr. Richards in a report that came before the committee.

Despite the application being recommended for refusal by the planning officer as it went against National Park policies, the majority of members voted in favour of the proposals, with planning conditions attached.

"This is a marvellous attraction for visitors - the pods provide something different and I'd fully support it," commented Clr. Reg Owens.

"Over the years I've struggled to find holiday accommodation myself that provides wheelchair access, so for this applicant to go to the extra trouble, then they deserve an extra star," he added, with his colleague Ted Sangster agreeing.

"With the balance of consideration against the authority's policies, I'd fall on the side of the applicant, as we do have the need for small businesses such as this, and this would bring significant economic benefit to that community," he remarked.

The meeting heard how the applicants were willing to enter into a Section 106 legal agreement to tie the land for the camping site to the existing business and dwelling, to prevent any parts of the site being sold off separately.

Committee members agreed for the application to be delegated to planning officers, to grant planning permission, subject to a number of conditions being attached.