Sir, My parents are from Swansea and visited Tenby in June and parked in the Rectory Fields car park. They have just received a parking fine with photographic evidence of their car stating 'the vehicle was recorded parked on our client's property at Rectory Fields car park from 13.18 - 15.56 duration of the stay. The duration of the stay was 02:38 and we do not have evidence that a sufficient parking payment was made for this vehicle to cover the full duration of the visit. With a fine of £70 reduced to £35 if paid within 14 days. Fortunately my parents found the parking ticket which shows they had paid £3 and could park until 17:21. I have checked on a website and the shortest stay is £3 for four hours, so as they only stayed 2hrs 38 mins they were well within their limit. This has caused them distress and they are concerned for other individuals who may have be fined inappropriately and are unaware.

Joanne Evans, Neath.