A HOLSWORTHY organisation has made a donation to help local school children attend educational visits.  

Holsworthy Rotary recently made a donation to Holsworthy Primary School to go towards the cost of putting on educational visits for pupils. 

Rotary president, Robert Cole presented a cheque for £1,000 to the school’s headteacher.  

Headteacher Miss Amy Frost said “Our curriculum-linked planned school trips and visits are crucial for our students' learning and personal growth.  

“As a rural school, we rely on these experiences to broaden our children's horizons and offer them a glimpse into more diverse cultures and environments.   

“Rising costs, squeezed budgets and the pressures on parents have an impact on these, and we are very grateful to the Rotary Club for this generous donation.” 

A Rotary International spokesperson added: “Rotary clubs bring together people across generations who wish to create lasting change in the world, in their communities, and in themselves. Rotary and Rotaract members around the world strengthen their connections to friends and neighbors taking action through service.” 

Holsworthy Rotary meet each Monday at the town’s golf cub.

More information about Holsworthy Rotary can be found on its website: www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/homepage.php?ClubID=1038