THE official opening of Holsworthy's new science/design and technology block took place on the afternoon of Tuesday, March 16.

Several years from when the need for the

extension arose and after a lengthy development process, the overall completion of the new block which replaces the four existing science laboratories and the small, outdated design and technology rooms, showed clear evidence of the hard work, time and money that went into the project.

The extension has been named after the late Holsworthy County Councillor, Des Shad­rick, as a way of commemorating his memory; hard work; support; guidance and help to take the original idea into fruition.

The afternoon kicked off with some music from pupils, including Will Garnett on saxophone

accompanied by Tony

Littlewood (previous teacher at the college) on piano. This followed by a speech from Roger Young, chairman of governors.

A plaque in one of the new rooms was then unveiled by Marjorie Shadrick and Cllr John Berry (Chairman of Devon County Council).

Supporters of the project from various organisations, businesses, and groups who attended the afternoon were then given a guided tour from students of the new block.

Headteacher David Fitzsimmons said: "I am so proud, it is nice that all the students can now be involved with the practical experiments in their

lessons. We can't be a

specialist college without the facilities, it is difficult to remember what it used to be like.

"Teachers have already noticed a difference in practical teaching all the time. It is lovely to be able to give to students quality facilities and get quality work in return. It is a great opportunity and community project."

Representatives who sponsored the £785,000 project also attended the afternoon. It was noted that amongst the amounts raised and borrowed, £90,000 was borrowed interest free from Devon County Council for completion of the project.

See this week's 'Post' for a full report.