Residents at the new Hatherleigh Care Village received some unusual guests recently when Exmoor Zoo paid a visit to the elderly folk there. Humbug the skunk came along bringing some friends including a snake called 'Sticky,' a huge stick insect and a swarm of hissing cockroaches!

Zoo keeper Steve Eddy delighted the residents of the care village with this diverse group of creatures. He explained about their special features, natural environments and even some of their bizarre habits before allowing the residents to touch and feed them.

Steve said: "This is a wonderful way of interacting with and creating experiences for such a wonderful group of people for whom a visit to the zoo may not be easy."

Situated on the fringe of Hatherleigh town the care village is a purpose built 48 bed EMI home with an award winning care team providing 24 hour specialist care in hotel style accommodation.

Also on the site are 15 close care independent living apartments. These are due for completion later this summer although a number have already been reserved by those eager to benefit from the exclusive, safe and supportive lifestyle that they will facilitate.

For full report see this week's 'Holsworthy Post'.