VIOLENCE and hate will not be tolerated in Devon and Cornwall say police following six arrests during events in Plymouth yesterday (Monday, August 5).

Specialist officers were deployed to the Guildhall in the city centre at around 3.30pm after high levels of violence across the city were reported.

In response Devon and Cornwall Police have reaffirmed that they will be working with partners to keep the people of Devon, Cornwall, and the Isles of Scilly safe and reduce anti-social behaviour.

A Devon and Cornwall Police spokesperson said: “During the evening, we saw levels of violence across the city and several officers sustained minor injuries as a result.

“A number of members of the public were also injured, with two conveyed to hospital.

“Our approach to this operation was to enable peaceful protests, but people who were intent on committing public order or criminal offences, have and will be dealt with robustly. This is the style of policing that we have delivered and what our communities expect.

“Violence will not be tolerated, hate will not be tolerated, and we will continue to work with our partners to keep the people of Devon, Cornwall, and the Isles of Scilly safe and reduce anti-social behaviour.

“We will continue to take positive action against individuals in breach of the law and have carried out arrests for a range of public order offences and assaults following today's events.

“We will also be following up on post investigative enquiries throughout the coming days.”