A COUNTRYFILE Ramble in aid of Children In Need held at Killatree raised more than £2,000 for the charity.

For the second time, a Countryfile Ramble in aid of Children In Need was organised by the Whitaker family and it was held at their farm at Killatree, which is between Pyworthy and Holsworthy.

Once again the sun was shining for a gorgeous day ahead. People and well behaved dogs gathered at 11am and all set off at 11.30am. The ramble was about two and a half miles and it was over fields, around a lake and along some lovely footpaths through the trees.

For those that couldn’t or didn’t want to walk then a tractor and trailer ride was provided where the riders got to see the countryside around the village of Pyworthy. 

Back at the farm at the end there was free tea and coffee and lots of delicious homemade cakes as well as a barbecue.

More than 230 people attended and a magnificent sum of £2,100 was raised for the cause.

The organisers expressed their thanks to those who helped out during the day, donated refreshments and all the local businesses that supplied raffle prizes. They added: “All of your loyal and local support is greatly appreciated. We are already looking forward to the next one!”