COMMERCIAL Street in Gunnislake was closed off for a Street Party on Sunday.

Gunnislake Community Matters organised the event as part of the national ‘Big Lunch’ day, sponsored by the Eden Project.

The aim was to bring together people of all ages in a fun packed community get together. Everyone was invited, and asked to bring along a plate of food to share.

Ross Hanley, the organiser, said he was amazed at the variety of food on offer to those attending the event.

It covered the five trestle tables, loaned by Gunnislake Village Hall. Nobody could have left feeling hungry. They also fed passing families from Metherell and Plymouth.

Lots of fun packed entertainment was on hand.

Callo Bloco, the Callington based Samba Band, provided the music. There was community singing of Cornish themed songs, led by Phil Green.

Fun for one and all came from attempts to make devices for a fresh egg to be dropped three meters to the ground, without breaking.

Large parachutes and balloons were successful, but most attempts failed. There was a frustrating fishing game to try and catch a bottle of water, and lots of creative pavement art using chalks.

The ‘Unlucky Raffle’ provided fun for all. The unlucky winners had to say what they were going to do with their unlikely prizes, such as a mini skateboard, a toilet roll, dried military ration packs, and a carrot.

The youngsters who came to the lunch all took part in the games, which also included traditional hop scotch and a potato race.

Along with the adults they also borrowed noisy shakers to join in with the Samba Band, whilst dancing to the rhythm.

The money raised by the raffle will be put towards buying paint to freshen up the walls of the Gunnislake car park.