A VOLUNTEER from Bude has received a special commendation from Cancer Research UK, in recognition of an outstanding contribution to the cause.

Ray Shaddick was shortlisted in the charity’s annual Flame of Hope awards, acknowledging the remarkable efforts in fundraising and volunteering made by people from all walks of life.

Ray won a special commendation in the category of Honorary Fellowship, for tirelessly working to raise funds and awareness for Cancer Research UK for over 40 years.

Daphne Skinnard, deputy Lord Lieutenant for Cornwall, awarded Ray with his Flame of Hope Honorary Fellowship award during a special afternoon tea party held at the Falcon Hotel on Saturday, July 2.

The committee were also celebrating their 60th anniversary year, and have raised nearly half a million pounds for Cancer Research UK. The Falcon Hotel is hugely supportive of the committee, and they regularly hold events there.

Ray was absolutely delighted to be awarded his Flame of Hope by Daphne. He was invited up to London to receive his award but wanted to share the celebration with all the Bude, Stratton & District committee and all their loyal supporters.

He thanked the committee for all their incredible hard work over the years and thanked the supporters of the committee for everything.

There was a recorded message played at the celebration from Ian Kenyon, the Cancer Research UK chief finance officer, which was a lovely surprise for Ray.

Ray also asked that special recognition was given at the event to key members of his committee that have helped and supported him immensely during his time as chairman.

Special certificates were presented for their outstanding contribution to the committee to Mrs Wendy Dugdale, vice chairman; Mrs Mary Rogers, press and PR secretary; Mrs Mary Bromell, treasurer; Mrs Diane Wellington, committee; Tony Barnes, president and Mrs Wendy Wickett, secretary.

Sir Harpal Kumar, Cancer Research UK chief executive, said: “Cancer Research UK has made enormous progress in the fight against cancer and has set ambitious plans and aspirations for the future.

“However, progress is only made possible thanks to the dedication and commitment of our volunteers and supporters, without whom we would not be able to fund outstanding scientists, doctors and nurses.

“Our Flame of Hope Awards give us the opportunity to celebrate and say thank you to these enormously generous volunteers and supporters for the fantastic work they do.”

Over the last 40 years, survival has doubled, meaning today half of people with cancer are more likely to survive their disease for at least ten years. Cancer Research UK’s ambition is to ensure that by 2034, three quarters of people in Cornwall survive their disease for 10 years or more after a cancer diagnosis.

Rachel Turner, Local Fundraising Manager for North East Cornwall said: “Every step we make towards beating cancer sooner relies on every pound, every hour and every person. These awards are our way of honouring incredible people like Ray who give their time freely to raise money for research and promote greater awareness of the disease, and yet ask for nothing in return.

“It’s thanks to the support of the fundraising public and our amazing army of volunteers that we can continue to make a real difference and bring forward the day when all cancers are cured.”

The event saw the cream tea during the afternoon manage to raise an outstanding amount of just over £446 from donations, and Ray has expressed his appreciation to Friggin Riggin for their ongoing support and entertainment during the event.

For more information on Cancer Research UK, visit cruk.org