PLANS are afoot for the return of a hugely successful family event in aid of a local charity.

MIKES Charity Rugby Tournament, which made its debut last year, will return this August with even more rugby themed mayhem and family fun in aid of the charity. It comes hot off the heels of the successful second round of the MIKE’s Motor Mania event at Perranporth Airfield.

MIKES Trust was formed by the family of Liskeard’s Michael Riddiough-Allen after his murder in Bodmin in April 2023. Three people were jailed as a result of offences committed during the incident, with Jake Hill, 25, convicted of Mr Riddiough-Allen’s murder.

It is used as a vehicle to raise awareness of, and educate on, the impact of knife crime on individuals and communities — as well as providing funding for youth groups which can engage young people in the local area and provide a potential intervention point.

Since its formation, Mr Riddiough-Allen’s sisters and father, through the charity, have made multiple visits to schools and community events in order to educate young people and communities on the impact of knife crime — in addition to contributing towards the formation and operation of youth groups, including a youth darts academy held in Bodmin.

Last year’s inaugural charity event saw Bodmin Rugby Club turned into a mini village of trade and information stands. There were also attractions for all the family combined with teams of people taking on each other in the sport of rugby, Mr Riddiough-Allen’s favourite sport — prior to his death he was a player for Bodmin Rugby Football Club (RFC), who have supported his family since the incident.

This year’s event will once again be held at Clifden Park, the home ground of Bodmin RFC on Saturday, August 10. Ahead of the event, the MIKES Trust have offered the opportunity for individuals, community groups and traders to express their interest in taking part.

A spokesperson for the MIKES Trust said: “The dust has just about settled after a weekend of madness at MIKES Motor Mania 2024, but we are busy planning the next MIKES Trust event!

“We are continuing to celebrate Mike's passions and we are once again hosting our Rugby Tournament and Family Fun Day.Team registration is now open! We have categories for everyone.

“Established teams and teams made up of mates/family/colleagues are equally welcome.We are also inviting local businesses and local youth groups to join us to provide entertainment and activities for the whole community.

“More information will come over the next few weeks. But if you are interested in registering a team/business/service please do it ASAP at

Let's make this another amazing community event that is affordable for all.”